Thursday, 31 July 2014

Computer Viruses and Worms


Mail worms

A worm is by definition similar to a virus but more independent. The first wave of worms was seen when Internet mail became a standard way to communicate. An email client, and especially address books and mailing lists, provide a powerful way to reach a large number of recipients worldwide with very little effort. Modern, advanced email programs also provide this functionality through APIs that make it possible for computer programs to automatically send messages. All this together provides an environment that enables mail worms to spread much
faster than viruses. A mail worm is carried by an email message, usually as an attachment but there have been some cases where the worm is located in the message body. The recipient must open or execute the attachment before the worm can activate. The attachment may be a document with the worm attached in a virus-like manner, or it may be an independent file. The worm may very well remain undetected by the user if it is attached to a
document. The document is opened normally and the user’s attention is probably focused on
the document contents when the worm activates. Independent worm files usually fake an error
message or perform some similar action to avoid detection.

Pure worms

A worm is a replicating program that works independently without a host file and without user intervention. Pure worms meet all these requirements, whereas mail worms represent an intermediate form that resembles both viruses and worms. Pure worms have the potential to spread very quickly because they are not dependent on any human actions

Trojan horses

The name Trojan horse is borrowed from Greek mythology. In the computer world the term refers to a program that contains hidden malicious functions. The program may look like something funny or useful such as a game or utility, but harms the system when executed. Many Trojans contain activation criteria that enable the Trojan to work for a while. The user is convinced that the program is safe and useful, and forwards it to other users before the malicious code strikes. Trojans lack a replication routine and thus are not viruses by definition. A Trojan is spread to other computers only through deliberate transfer by the users.
The motives of most virus writers remain unknown. There are however some motives that can be identified by examining virus samples or talking to known or anonymous virus authors.
Challenge and curiosity. There are no courses or good books about how to write viruses. Many programmers want to see if they can do it, and do not necessarily realize that the virus may cause significant damage.
Fame and power. Even if the author remains anonymous, it probably gives a kick to read about the virus in headlines. The virus, and possibly the damage it has caused makes other people work and react in some way.
Protest and anarchy. A virus is quite a powerful way to cause intentional damage. There have
been cases where a virus is intended to harm a school’s network.
Proof of concept. Someone may for example want to prove that a certain replication technique works. This type of virus may also appear on new platforms or applications capable of hosting
Political motives. A virus may be used to spread a political message. This may, for example, be protests against totalitarian governments, multinational corporations etc. Organized political parties do not use viruses.

Computer Viruses and Worms

 Different types of computer virus

Virus reaserchers are, however, generally less interested in these routines because they are not significant part of the replication chain of the virus. Payloads usually represent routine programming and the technically exciting stuff is located in the replication mechanisms.

Viruses and worms

A worm, for example, is able to use services provided by a modern networked environment much more efficiently than a virus. This results in an advantage that enables worms to spread much faster than viruses.
A pure worm is more independent than a virus. A pure worm works by itself as an independent object. It does not need a carrier object to attach itself to. The worm can also spread by initiating telecommunications by itself. There is no need to wait for a human to send the file or document.

Different types of viruses

Boot sector viruses

A boot sector virus infects the boot sector of floppy disks or hard drives. These blocks contain a small computer program that participates in starting the computer. A virus can infect the system by replacing or attaching itself to these blocks.

These viruses replicate very slowly because they can only travel from one computer to another on a diskette. In addition, a boot attempt must be made on the target computer using the infected
diskette before the virus can infect it. The virus may, however, reside on the diskette and infect new computers even if there is no operating system on it. Network communications have replaced diskettes as a means of sharing data. Software is also distributed using networks or
CD-ROMs rather than diskettes. This has made the boot sector viruses almost extinct. Some boot sector viruses still remain on stored diskettes, but they are rarely activated and usually do not work in modern operating systems. However, some damage does occur because these viruses may unintentionally damage file systems that they do not understand (i.e. the NTFS file system used by Windows NT).

Traditional file viruses

This group of viruses replicates when attached to MS-DOS program files with the .EXE or .COM extensions. This group of viruses is extinct due to the fact that they rely on operating systems
that are no longer used.

Document or macro viruses

Document or macro viruses are written in a macro language. Such languages are usually included in advanced applications such as word processing and spreadsheet programs. The vast majority of known macro viruses replicate using the MS Office program suite, mainly MS Word and MS Excel, but some viruses targeting other applications are known as well.

Macro viruses differ from earlier boot sector and file viruses in many ways. Most differences are beneficial to macro viruses and enable them to spread much faster than any other kind of virus
seen thus far. The most important difference is that macro viruses infect data files rather than program files. This takes advantage of a computer environment in a much more efficient way than previous virus types. The purpose of a computer system is to store, refine and
communicate data.

Sunday, 27 July 2014

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Bill Gates Autobiography

Autobiography of Bill Gates

In this book you will find some secret of Software giant Bill Gates and keys of his successful life.
William Henry Gates III co-founder the Microsoft Corporation in 1975, built his software company into the one of the most successful businesses in the world, and established himself in the process as the world's richest man. Although Bill Gates started Microsoft as a small business based on a single innovative software program that he had helped to develop, his real genius was his business acumen. As the long-time CEO of Microsoft, Gates was able to borrow and integrate other computer
programmers' innovations and sell them to a new and rapidly expanding home computer market. In 1985, 10 years after Microsoft was founded, it had $140 million in revenue, which grew to $28 billion by 2002. One of the pioneers of home computing, Gates proved himself to be a technological visionary and software applications guru. According to industry analysts, he also demonstrated that he was a shrewd marketing strategist as well as an aggressive corporate leader.

Sunday, 20 July 2014

100 Greatest Science Discoveries of All Time1

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Discovery! The very word sends tingles surging up your spine. It quick ens your pulse. Discoveries are the moments of “Ah, ha! I under stand!” and of “Eu reka! I found it!”

Every one longs to dis cover some thing—any thing! A discovery is finding or observing some thing new—some thing unknown or unnoticed be fore. It is noticing what was always there but had been over looked by all be fore. It is stretching out into untouched and un-charted regions. Discoveries open new horizons, pro vide new in sights, and cre ate vast for -tunes. Dis cov er ies mark the prog ress of hu man civ i li za tions. They advance human knowledge.

Court room ju ries try to dis cover the truth. An thro pol o gists dis cover ar ti facts from pasthu man civ i li za tions and cul tures. Peo ple un der go ing psy cho ther apy try to discover themselves.

When we say that Co lum bus “dis cov ered” the New World, we don’t mean that he created it, de vel oped it, de signed it, or in vented it. The New World had al ways been there. Natives had lived on it for thou sands of years be fore Co lum bus’s 1492 ar rival. They knew the Ca rib bean Is lands long be fore Co lum bus ar rived and cer tainly didn’t need a Eu ro pean todis cover the is lands for them. What Co lum bus did do was make Eu ro pean so cieties aware of this new con ti nent. He was the first Eu ro pean to lo cate this new land mass and put it on the maps. That made it a discovery.

Structure of Virus

The anatomy of a virus

The main parts of a virus’ code are the replication routine and the payload routine. The replication routine is a mandatory part of every virus. If it is missing,the program is not a virus by definition. Some other kinds of malicious software,also called malware, which lack a replication routine but are frequently assumedto be viruses.

The payload routine is, contrary to common belief, not mandatory. As a matter of fact, there are many viruses that lack a payload routine altogether. The lack of a payload routine may actually be beneficial for the virus and enable it to replicate more efficiently.

The replication routine

The replication mechanism is the most important part of the virus. This part of the virus code locates suitable objects to attach the virus to and copies the virus to these objects.

The first problem the replication routine must solve is how to find suitable objects. A virus is always written so as to work attached to a certain type of carrier object, such as a program file or text document created by MS Word, or a limited number of carrier object types. The replication routine must be able to locate objects of the correct type. This can be done by searching through the computer, file by file. However, this is rather inefficient and requires a great deal of computer power. A more elegant approach is for the virus to remain in memory and monitor system activity. This enables the virus to infect files when they are used. The performance
impact of infecting a single file is so small that the user would not notice it. This behavior also improves the ability of the virus to spread, as recently accessed files are more likely to be transmitted to another system.

The next problem that the replication mechanism must solve is how to attach the virus to the
carrier object. This step is done using totally different techniques for different types of viruses.
However, one common requirement is that the virus’ code be executed when the object is used. Viruses that infect program files may attach the virus code to the beginning or the end of the program file, and patch the entry point so that when the program is run the virus code is executed first. The virus usually transfers control to the original program when it has finished its tasks. This ensures that the original program works properly and the virus avoids detection. Other types of carrier objects, such as MS Word documents, may provide features for embedding macros in the document files. These features make it easy for the replication routine of the virus to attach the code. It can ensure that the code is run properly by using certain naming conventions for the virus’ macros.

The payload routine
The payload routine is not a mandatory part of a virus. It does not take part in the replication of the virus in any way. The payload is just a routine that performs something that the author of the virus wants it to perform on all infected computers. The payload routines of different viruses can be divided into two groups, malicious and non-malicious. Some viruses also lack a payload routine altogether.

Malicious payloads can, for example, delete files, modify data, plant backdoors in the system or reveal confidential data. Non-malicious payloads may play music, show pictures or  animations, promote the author’s favorite heavy-metal band etc.

(The payload of a virus usually cannot damage the hardware of a computer.)
The payload routines of viruses tend to get a lot of attention from users, media etc. This is natural as the payload often is the only visible part of the virus. The payload may contain funny or exciting effects and it is easy to show pictures of it in TV, magazines etc. 

What is Computer viruse

Computer Viruses

The term virus covers a wide range of computer programs that have one thing in common. Once released, they replicate in a way that cannot be controlled by their author. This can easily, intentionally or unintentionally, lead to worldwide epidemics where millions of computers may become infected. The virus problem has increased in importance over the past ten years. The first viruses were merely an annoyance that did not cause much harm for any business.

The name virus is borrowed from biological science. A biological virus is a passive element that floats around until it hits a suitable cell. The mechanisms of the matching cell are then used to reproduce the biological virus, to express it in a simplified way. The term virus is rather suitable for computer-based equivalents, as computer viruses are passive in the same way. They attach to a carrier object and wait for the object to be transmitted to another computer. Once transmitted,
they activate and start looking for other objects to infect.

How does a virus spread?

A virus is by definition a computer program that spreads or replicates by copying
itself.However, the ability to replicate itself is the commoncriterion that distinguishes a virus from other kinds of software.The term virus is quite often misused. Some viruses contain routines that damagethe computer system on which it runs. This so called payload routine may alsodisplay graphics, play sounds or music etc. This has lead to a situation whereviruses are assumed to cause deliberate damage, even if there are many virusesthat don’t. The term virus has, for these reasons, become a synonym for malicioussoftware, which is incorrect from a technical point of view.
The process of spreading a virus includes both technical features in the virus itselfand the behavior of the computer user. Most viruses are by nature parasitic. Thismeans that they work by attaching themselves to a carrier object. Thisobject may be a file or some other entity that is likely to be transmittedto another computer. The virus is linked to the host object in such a
way that it activates when the host object is used. Once activated, the virus looks for other suitable carrier objects and attaches itself to them. This dependency on the human factor
slows down the replication of viruses.

(Another closely related program type, a worm, reduces this dependency and is able to replicate much faster.)

From this we can draw the conclusion that a virus does not appear as an object in itself. A virus always resides hidden in some useful object. A macro (File) virus may, for example, infect an important document, but the user does not notice this as the document looks perfectly normal and may be used just like any other document. This means that it is hard for an ordinary user to tell if a system is or is not infected. Special software is needed to examine the system and detect a virus